2 am is the time for all thoughts to strike to the walls of brain and collide . Last night something similar happened to me and i just couldn't help myself figuring which way the world is heading towards ? Human beings are most blessed species with brains feelings and everything else that humans don't appreciate . Relationships are most pure form of thing which we can make in this world , but does it hold any more importance in the modern world ? With the hookup , one night stand culture ? I dont say its wrong but at the cost of some real relationships it is ....
Have you ever wondered why has cheating become so common in past years , divorce is something every couple is going on vacations to and depression is something we are consuming more than calories . Is this the kind of harmony that humans were suppose to create at the cost of other people ?
What about the other person who has been attached to you , has given u more than you deserve ... after all the scenarios , the person who tends to suffer from such aches are the ones who gave all their honesty , loyalty , time , money in that relationship to work .
When Humans are gifted with the most precious gift like feelings , why is that we have to over come it .
Just in case another issue with relationships these days are time .. If a person can get the time out for partner but isnt willing to then the only option left with other partner is to either make themselves strong enough to let go things or to be strong enough to ignore the facts that person isn't making enough time for u .
Sometimes we are just forced to act strong , feelingless just for the sake so that we dont hurt ourselves .
So making yourself strong , hiding your feelings , ignoring the real facts is this all we have to learn from these people whom we attach ourselves to ?
Things seems complicated with various options ..
just let me know what you think about this mental dilemma .. and lets all interact and come to some good conclusion .